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The Dorsey Scholars Program

In 2013, McDaniel College received approximately $6.7 million from the estate of 1891 alumnus Philip Henry Dorsey, of St. Clements Bay, to establish an endowment for scholarships.  One of 18 students to earn a bachelor's degree from the college in 1891, the college's total enrollment at the time of Dorsey's attendance was 154 students. Today, Dorsey's gift funds the Dorsey Scholars Program, the most prestigious academic and scholarship program at the college.

McDaniel Campus 1942

The Value of a Dorsey Scholarship

It is easy to look at the monetary value of a Dorsey Scholarship and feel inspired. As a result of this historic gift, each Dorsey Scholar receives a scholarship that covers the costs of tuition, room and board at McDaniel College.

In addition, Dorsey scholars also receive a stipend for books (up to $600 per semester), technology (up to $2000), and travel to McDaniel College Europe in Budapest (up to $2000).

But the value in being a Dorsey Scholar is much greater than the sum awarded.

By accepting a Dorsey Scholarship, our Dorsey Scholars accept a place in the history of this college, becoming part of the tradition of giving that makes McDaniel possible for all our students. 正是通过像菲利普·亨利·多尔西这样的礼物,金沙js6038继续吸引着来自全国各地的令人印象深刻的年轻人.

Dorsey Ambassadors

Dorsey Scholars serve as academic leaders and role models on campus. They work closely with the President of the college, welcoming prestigious guests to campus and sharing their McDaniel experience. They serve as examples of what is possible through hard work. In short, they represent the very best of McDaniel through their excellence, intelligence and kindness.

Dorsey Scholars Three incoming freshmen surprised with Dorsey Scholarships

金沙js6038(McDaniel College)的招生办公室和“绿色恐怖”(Green Terror)一起宣布,这三位即将入学的2025届学生将成为该校最新的多西奖学金获得者,这让他们大吃一惊. The Dorsey Scholars Program is the highest academic honor at McDaniel and includes full tuition, room, and board for all four years.

Becoming a Dorsey Scholar


所有在12月15日之前提交入学申请的一年级申请者都有资格申请多尔西奖学金. 招生顾问通过审查每个申请人的学习成绩和学术严谨性来确定可能的多西奖学金获得者, as well as assessing character, motivation and potential for success.

Approximately 20 first year students, representing the top 2% of the applicant pool, are invited to participate in the Dorsey Scholars competition. Students are invited in January by their admissions counselor and also receive a print invitation.

The Dorsey Scholar Competition

The Dorsey Scholar Competition occurs the day before the annual Scholars on the Hill event. 多尔西奖学金候选人周五晚上抵达学校,参加一个招待会,包括晚餐和与现任多尔西奖学金获得者交往的机会, the President and other college administrators.

参加周五的招待会和第二天的希尔金沙js6038活动的多西候选人将被邀请参加多西金沙js6038评选委员会的虚拟面试. 这次面试在这些活动之后的一周进行,以评估每个多西奖学金候选人的素质和成就.

The Dorsey Scholar competition results in full-tuition, room, and board scholarships for up to 5 finalists. Recipients are typically notified in mid-March.

Scholarship Details & Policies

Because the Dorsey Scholarship is a large investment in an individual student, policies have been developed to govern the award. 所有即将入学的多西金沙js6038将被要求审查这些政策,并通过签名表明他们的理解.

Dorsey Scholarship Policies

  1. 学院有权决定的所有奖学金必须在提供给学生之前由经济援助办公室进行审查,以确保它们符合适用的联邦学生援助法规. A Student’s Total Aid Package cannot exceed the Student’s Cost of Attendance.
  2. The Dorsey Scholarship
    1. The Dorsey Scholarship covers the annual cost of tuition, room and board for eight consecutive semesters or the completion of a bachelor’s degree, whichever comes first.
    2. 该奖学金的目的是表彰和表彰将成为金沙js6038未来领导者的优秀学生. In their role as Dorsey Scholars, Dorsey scholarship recipients will serve as Ambassadors of the College, representing the college with integrity.
    3. The Dorsey Scholarship is not one set scholarship amount; rather the scholarship amount reflects the particular financial situation of each individual student, taking into account each student’s eligibility for federal and state aid, and external scholarships earned by the student through other scholarship programs.
    4. The Dorsey scholarship will never exceed the annual cost of tuition, room and board less any federal or state grants applied to the students account. As the student’s costs are paid by federal or state sources, the Dorsey scholarship will change so as to not exceed the cost of tuition, room and board.
    5. Many Dorsey scholarship recipients apply for and are awarded additional external scholarships. External scholarships are applied to the student’s account and may result in a refund. Per McDaniel College financial aid policy, in every case, 学生可以收到的最高退款是直接费用和机构出勤费用之间的差额. Refunds are issued approximately 4-6 weeks into the semester.


  1. To be eligible for a Dorsey scholarship, first year students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) annually. 没有资格提交FAFSA的国际学生必须在与财政援助办公室会面后以书面形式记录.
  2. To be eligible for the Dorsey scholarship, 学生必须遵守学院的各项规章制度,保持良好的学业成绩. Unless stated explicitly in this document, all McDaniel financial aid policies apply to the Dorsey Scholarship and its recipients. 

Tuition Details

  1. 为了获得多西奖学金,学生必须在金沙js6038全日制注册,每学期至少修满12个学分. The scholarship only covers the tuition for undergraduate courses except in the following cases:
    1. 教师以研究生课程代替本科课程独立学习的;
    2. 如果一个本科学生被录取到一个5年的项目,这个项目要求本科学生一旦被录取到研究生项目,至少要上一门研究生水平的课程.
  2. Required fees or fees associated with registered courses will be covered by the Dorsey scholarship. 

Room and Board Details

  1. Room is defined as the charge for housing annually; traditionally Dorsey recipients live in standard double rooms or in Honors housing. 每个多西学生房间的最高奖学金相当于北村两人间住宿大厅房间的年费用. If a student elects to live in a more expensive housing option in any year, any cost over the maximum scholarship amount is the responsibility of the student.
    1. For example, for the 2022-2023 academic year, the annual cost of a double North Village residential hall room is $8180. If a Dorsey recipient chooses to live in double North Village residential hall room costing $8180, the Dorsey room scholarship would be $8180. If a Dorsey recipient chooses to live in a standard double hall room costing $5682, the Dorsey room scholarship would be $5682.  如果多尔西奖学金的获得者是高年级学生,并选择住在北村(North Village)的一间宿舍楼房间(每年费用为9090美元), 多尔西房间奖学金为8180美元,高级住房选项的剩余余额为910美元. This balance would be the responsibility of the student.
    2. If a Dorsey student chooses to live off-campus in non-college housing, they will not receive a housing allowance.
    3. All housing policies, including the policies associated with the college housing lottery, apply to Dorsey recipients. 
  2. The Dorsey Scholarship includes the Gold meal plan, which is the standard meal plan available on campus. If in any year a student chooses to select a smaller plan, such as Silver or Bronze, the cost of that plan will be included, but there is no refund of the difference in plan prices. If in any year a student chooses to live in housing with a kitchen, a meal plan will not be provided.
    1. If a student elects to select a more expensive meal plan option in any year, then the additional cost of the meal plan will be charged to the student’s account. If a student elects to select a meal plan while living in housing with a kitchen, then the additional cost of the meal plan will be charged to the student’s account.
    2. If a Dorsey student chooses to live in housing without a mandatory meal plan, they will not receive a food allowance. 

Terms of Enrollment

  1. The Dorsey Scholarship is for Fall and Spring semesters only.
    1.  The Dorsey Scholarship does not cover summer tuition, fees, room, or board. 
  2. January Term
    1. 多西奖学金不包括一月学期的课程,除了金沙js6038承诺一月学期课程“我的设计”。, offered between the fall and spring semesters of the first year. 

Book & Technology Stipend

  1. Book Allowance
    1. 多尔西奖学金获得者每学期有资格通过金沙js6038书店购买书籍,最高可获得600美元. 学生必须在购买之前通知财政援助办公室,以便与学院书店协调. 
  2. Computer and Technology Allowance
    1. 多尔西奖学金获得者有资格获得通过金沙js6038书店购买的高达2000美元的计算机和技术设备. 这一一次性申请可以在参加多西奖学金资格课程(连续八个学期或完成学士学位)的任何时候提出。. 学生必须在购买之前通知财政援助办公室,以便与学院书店协调. 

Study Abroad

  1. McDaniel Europe
    1. Tuition and room for one semester are included in the Dorsey Scholarship.
    2. Board is not included. 然而,多尔西奖学金获得者有资格在金沙js6038欧洲留学期间每学期获得1000美元的膳食津贴. To receive the stipend in advance, 多西奖学金获得者必须在出国旅行至少30天前书面通知经济援助办公室. In partnership with the Bursar, 学生的助学金将在旅行前一周领取或邮寄到学生的永久地址. Due to the winter break, 在春季学期出国留学的学生应该尽早开始计划,以确保他们的津贴在旅行之前收到. It is the student’s responsibility to request the stipend in a timely manner. Stipends cannot be mailed internationally and will only be mailed to the student's permanent address.
    3. 多尔西奖学金获得者在金沙js6038欧洲留学期间有资格获得一次性2000美元的旅行津贴. The stipend can be used for airfare or travel expenses while in Europe. To receive the stipend in advance, 多西奖学金获得者必须在出国旅行至少30天前书面通知经济援助办公室. In partnership with the Bursar, 学生的助学金将在旅行前一周领取或邮寄到学生的永久地址. Due to the winter break, 在春季学期出国留学的学生应该尽早开始计划,以确保他们的津贴在旅行之前收到. It is the student’s responsibility to request the stipend in a timely manner. Stipends cannot be mailed internationally and will only be mailed to the student's permanent address.
  2. Other Affiliated Exchange Programs
    1. Tuition is included in the Dorsey Scholarship
    2. No other costs are covered by the Dorsey Scholarship
  3. Non-Affiliated Study Aboard Programs
    1. 没有金沙js6038的资金,包括多尔西奖学金与任何非附属出国留学项目的学生一起旅行.